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Psalm 19 KJV Praise Music

Browse custom-made songs and music for Psalm 19 KJV. Great for Praise, and Godly Entertainment.
  • 2024 | Psalm 19 KJV Songs
    - Golden Honey | Psalm 19:9–10 KJV Metal Song

Psalm 19:9–10 KJV
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever:
The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold:
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

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2024 | Psalm 19 KJV Songs

  • Golden Honey | Psalm 19:9–10 KJV | Melodic Gothic Metal Song
    (including lyrics video)

A Note from Ivan:
This song represents the second generation of my new songs, in terms of the development of my own understanding, in rendering quality. I used this verse context, for testing purposes, and was pleasantly alarmed at some of the lyrical and melodic generations I was able to stumble-upon. I already have a piece for this, over at KJV Cards, and this is one of my favorite verses.
The lyrics are computer generated from Psalm 19 KJV, and mostly pretty good. From now on, I will definitely be-sure to edit things, more, before running generations at-scale, because I do prefer verbatim scriptures.
The music style was prompted through a blend of harmonic 70’s Metal and epic orchestrals, with a larger range of variability. I would actually say the result is more 90’s Gothic Alternative Metal, which was unexpected.
Some of my newer pieces have already yielded even higher quality results, so I look forward to publishing more pieces, but they will be shorter, simpler, and not contain so much accompanying video work. So, this piece will always be special, and perhaps, in a few years, new tech will allow it to be remastered and improved even further.
There are too few quality productions, like this, based on God’s Word, which is full of savory judgment, and we need to fill the world with far more of the Light of Christ than we see in the culture, today. I scarcely see the Beauty of God’s Holiness, when I peruse content online, and that grieves me. I am very jealous for the LORD of Hosts, and I hope that you will join me in bearing fruit for the testimony of Jesus Christ, according to his righteousness, in obedience to the Truth, and the Fear of the LORD.

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Golden Honey | Psalm 19:9–10 KJV Metal Song

Fear of the Lord so pure
Endures forevermore
Judgments of the Lord
True and righteous sure

More desired than gold
Much fine gold we hold
Sweeter than the honey
Honeycomb so bold

Golden honey sweet and pure
Truth that lasts forever sure
Righteous words we can't ignore
Lord your love we adore

In your words we find our light
Day and night your love's our might
Pure and clean we hold on tight
Judgments true in our sight

Golden honey sweet and pure
Truth that lasts forever sure
Righteous words we can't ignore
Lord your love we adore

More desired than gold we see
Sweeter than sweet honey bee
Truth and love will set us free
Glory to eternity

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May God fill your heart with the sweetness of his judgments, statutes, and commandments, in Righteousness, Truth, and the Fear of the LORD.

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Ivan David Lippens