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Isaiah 5 KJV Praise Music

Browse custom-made songs and music for Isaiah 5 KJV. Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard.
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Isaiah 5 KJV | Free HD Audio Bible
Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard…
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Wild Grapes | Isaiah 5:1-2 KJV Song

My wellbeloved
hath a vineyard
In a very fruitful hill:

And he fenced it,
And gathered-out
the stones thereof,

And planted it
with the choicest vine,
And built a tower in the midst of it,

And also made
a winepress... therein:

And he looked,
that it should
bring forth grapes,

And it brought forth...
Wild, Wild Grapes.
Wild, Wild Grapes.

My wellbeloved
hath a vineyard
In a very fruitful hill:

And he fenced it,
And gathered-out
the stones thereof,

And planted it
with the choicest vine,
And built a tower in the midst of it,

And also made
a winepress... therein:

And he looked,
that it should
bring forth grapes,

And it brought forth...
Wild, Wild Grapes.
Wild, Wild Grapes.
Wild, Wild Grapes…

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Ivan David Lippens